Monday, October 4, 2010

Well who am I? I'll tell you!

My name is Tiffany. I am in my upper twenties with two children. They are spaced very far apart. One's in diapers, the other, almost middle school. I created this page as a place to vent and possibly write something worth reading. Seriously, I wanted an avenue to completely express my experiences, views, annoyances and blessings. I'm hoping it all comes together one day, not just for you, but for me. i have been told my life is worth writing about, so let's see if those people are right. Am I worth reading? I may ramble and go off topic. I may start in the middle, the end, or the beginning. I don't know yet how I'll write this thing. Do I hope I am to your liking? I don't know..... But I promise I have a lot to share........